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Our Commitment


Quality of Service

We ensure the level of service required by your company, through lower response times and greater professionalism. 

Standardize care, so that customers always receive the same kind of attention and information. Agents are also constantly monitored to maintain service levels and excellent service.


By hiring the services of Bendial, our clients lower the cost of customer contact, taking advantage of economies of scale offered by the internalization of the operation, infrastructure, technology and administration of contact center platforms.​​

Adaptation to Client's Business Dynamic

Our company has the infrastructure and technology needed to adapt to the demands of our clients. For companies who run marketing campaigns or that show fluctuations in sales and billing cycles, we have the ability to allocate resources in a dynamic and flexible environment, with shorter periods of implementation.

Ongoing Technological Innovation 

We constantly bring our clients updated technologies in telecommunications, to manage interactions with customers more efficiently.



Maximum safety in the handling of customer information and the operation of its services, we have advanced technology, dual data backup and permanent communication with our clients and their customers.

Increased Sales

With our technology and services, our clients can replace their field sales force, reducing the operational costs of the company. Also, when it is necessary to respond to certain campaigns in a short period of time, and be an additional sales channel for our clients.​

Management Reports

​​Our clients regularly receive reports of service levels. With them, they can make strategic decisions to fit the needs of their customers.

There are different types of reports:

- Telephone Reports: traffic information of the phone room and quality of service per hour.
- Sales Specific Reports: collections and sales levels by the hour.
- Reports of customer questions and complaints.

Experience and Support

​​We specialize in the management and operation of contact center services. Focus fully on the development of your business and leave the care of your customers in our hands.


Schedule a Consultation

Not sure how we can help you? Talk with one of our experts.
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